Hope that explains where I've been, and where I'll be.
Be back sometime soon.
(Facebook status will have updates on his condition).
Labels: medical dramz, The Man
Labels: medical dramz, The Man
be serious!
Remember that guy, Ingo Rademacher, used to be on Paradise Beach, and now on General Hospital? Well, he and his wife Ehiku, had a baby last Friday. A baby boy. Who they named Peanut.
Yes. Peanut. Peanut Kai Rademacher to be precise.
What a brilliant choice of name. I'm thinking about calling my next child Tyre. Or Bookshelf.
Labels: celebrity
of finding "3 Postives in a Sucky Situation".
It occurred to me that I hadn't properly explained this rule of mine to you.
Basically, some situations really suck. You work your ass off at work, and get made redundant. The strap on your favourite shoes break. You break up with a partner. Your best friend moves away. Your hairdresser totally stuffs up. And so on and so forth.
My way of dealing with those situations is to find 3 positives in it.
Sometimes this takes mere seconds, other times it could take aaaaggggggeeeeessss.
But it really helps me process and deal with *stuff*.
I hope it helps you too!
Labels: 3 positives
Labels: The Small Boy
Yay. Go me!!!
Labels: 3 positives, medical dramz
Labels: pleasure, The Small Boy
Dani, from Danimezza ( http://danielleandsteve.blogspot.com/) who created this gorgeous blog layout for me, despite not knowing me from a bar of chocolate.
I check Dani's blog daily, she really started my interest in reading blogs, and I love how her posts always give you a true peek into her life.
So thanks again Dani, you clever little cookie!
Labels: food
Labels: joie