Sunday, July 20, 2008
your Husband ride one of these, since he'll probably just end up in hospital with bruising on his brain and no memory.

Hope that explains where I've been, and where I'll be.

Be back sometime soon.

(Facebook status will have updates on his condition).

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Al at 9:47 PM | 3 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

be serious!

Remember that guy, Ingo Rademacher, used to be on Paradise Beach, and now on General Hospital? Well, he and his wife Ehiku, had a baby last Friday. A baby boy. Who they named Peanut.

Yes. Peanut. Peanut Kai Rademacher to be precise.

What a brilliant choice of name. I'm thinking about calling my next child Tyre. Or Bookshelf.


Al at 9:41 PM | 1 comments

of finding "3 Postives in a Sucky Situation".

It occurred to me that I hadn't properly explained this rule of mine to you.

Basically, some situations really suck. You work your ass off at work, and get made redundant. The strap on your favourite shoes break. You break up with a partner. Your best friend moves away. Your hairdresser totally stuffs up. And so on and so forth.

My way of dealing with those situations is to find 3 positives in it.

Sometimes this takes mere seconds, other times it could take aaaaggggggeeeeessss.

But it really helps me process and deal with *stuff*.

I hope it helps you too!


Al at 8:42 PM | 0 comments

This morning the TV was on in the background when The Small Boy and I were getting ready for our respective days. A cartoon on TV had this following exchange:
Voice 1: Have you ever seen a maneating tiger?
Voice 2: Which restaurant serves tiger?
Cue hysterical laughter from me. I love jokes like this!
The Small Boy then astounded me by saying "i'm a man eating weetbix mummy" and growling like a tiger! Bless! What a clever boy.
Cue much hysterical giggling, and chasing around the house pretending to be boy-eating tigers. Until I was late for work.


Al at 7:06 PM | 0 comments
is my diagnosis. Finally.

Woot. I'm thrilled. Just thrilled I tell you.

I love living with a ticking time bomb.

But as usual, I am using humour to get through it *rolls eyes*, along with my patented '3 positives in a sucky situation' rule.

Have been thinking very very long and hard and the 3 positives I can come up with are:
  • It isn't hereditary so The Small Boy has no worries
  • I won't die from it
  • I will lose loads of weight by following the low-salt diet

Yay. Go me!!!

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Al at 6:58 PM | 2 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008

too many of theses....ergh. It wasn't a good idea to mix them with cocktails too.

I love a good bottle of sparkling wine, or champagne if the budget stretches that far, but I do hate the next day.

Yesterday was a Sunday Session in honour of some friends moving away - Emily to Perth and Pippi to Sydney. This morning however was a session in honour of the porcelain god.

The Man's work mate had to drop something off this morning, and he was unable to hide his shock at how bad I looked. And after finding out the reason - the look of incredulity that I, or anyone, would be so hungover on Monday morning, let alone a married mother *snort*. If I hadn't felt so ill, I would have found it rather amusing.

But all in all, it was a wonderful send off for two of my favourite people, you'll be missed gorgeous girls!

Al at 1:54 PM | 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wellies are stripey for a reason
Originally uploaded by orangeacid
are loads of fun!

We went to a friends place today, about an hours drive away for a birthday celebration. They have an amazing property, rural, with river frontage. I think it is one of my most favourite places in the whole world, and I've made them promise not to sell it without giving us first dibs!

Anyway, it's been raining heaps lately, so the paddocks were boggy and soggy. The Small Boy had literally hours of fun, jumping in the puddles with his gumboots on. At least he wasn't drinking the muddy puddles like his little friend was!

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Al at 9:24 PM | 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008

Dani, from Danimezza ( who created this gorgeous blog layout for me, despite not knowing me from a bar of chocolate.

I check Dani's blog daily, she really started my interest in reading blogs, and I love how her posts always give you a true peek into her life.

So thanks again Dani, you clever little cookie!

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Al at 2:17 PM | 2 comments

I ate this.

Ok, so maybe I really ate a piece of chocolate fudge, and a bottle of diet coke.

But I'm sure in my alterna-universe somewhere, the truly healthy, body conscious me, ate the healthy breakfast. And isn't she a good girl.


Al at 12:03 PM | 0 comments

I love Winter. There. I said it. I know this makes me slightly odd, living in Australia and all, but truly I love winter. I like the cold, and the rain, and snow. Getting my coats out. Rugging up. Hot chocolates on cold days. I love looking at the snowy mountain on the way to work, well, actually on the way anywhere, you can't miss the blooming great big mountain here.

Not a fan of the wind though. I have a cowlick and my fringe goes bananas in the wind. How superficial of me! I'm sure we need wind. Just not quite sure why.

I love how our state has a distinction between the seasons, even though I seriously hate the heat of Summer. I like the social-ality of Summer though. But that is another post for another time.


Al at 11:29 AM | 0 comments
Each day I have been making an effort to think about the things that bring pleasure to my life. I had the intention to blog them so I could look back and remember them, except, well, I'm a bit of a slacker! So this is Project: Slacker No More!

Al at 11:27 AM | 0 comments