Tonight was a friend's birthday.
Another friend, let's call her...Alice (since that is her name...) came over to get ready. We drank some sparkles whilst getting ready, hung out and read magazines until the appointed hour. We also tried to cover this annoying pimple I have on my nose, grr, I never had them when I was a teenager, double grr. But anyway.
So we went to dinner, there was about 20 of us. It was lovely! Lovely meal, lovely company, lovely glasses of proper champagne (not sparkles, yum).
Then. Outside having a cheeky cigarette (I don't smoke, for those of you playing at home...). Thought 'gee I haven't seen Alice for a while'.
Oh dear. Alice is also outside. Throwing up. Spewing her guts up actually, if I dare be so callous. There was a large group of us, but of course I felt responsible. Of course. Seriously, I am totally the friend you want to have in a crisis. Sigh.
Anyway, can't get a cab for life nor money (heelllooo - vomity girl no go in my cab...) so I rang My Mum. To rouse herself from her warm bed and drive 30 minutes to pick us up. She came. She even stopped for spew breaks on the way home. She dropped us off (The Man got up and helped us inside, since walking was not really happening), and then drove home. Nary a whimper, or even a cross word. Wow. I love My Mum. Meffing hell, if The Small Boy tried that one in the future, I can't say I'd behave with such good grace.
So anyway, Alice is in our spare room, bucket beside her. Being utilised. Ergh.
And I'm out here, thinking how much I love My Mum.
Labels: the family