Thursday, October 30, 2008
photo courtesy of Sean Fennessy

I have a rash on my finger from wearing my wedding rings.

I wear my engagement ring, my wedding ring (above, doesn't show the rock detail) and The Man's Grandmother's wedding ring. His Parents gave it to me after the wedding, as a welcome to the family officially present. The Man and His Brother have no sisters, and His Brother is gay, so I'll most likely be the only daughter-ish figure they'll get. I was so honoured when they gave it to me.

Anyway, I never had the rash with my enagement ring. It's only been since we got married, and I started wearing the other rings. I can't wear them at the moment, not until it clears up. It has already been a week and it doesn't look like going away.


On the plus side, men are flirting with me again, I never realised they were so observant.

Al at 7:34 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It was quite chilly here today, so I had to break out the thermals again.

Black tank, layered over white thermal, and snuggly blue cardy. Jeans, and my trusty converse. Bird necklace, as always. No rings today, gross rash on my finger. Perhaps I am allergic to being married?!

Very boring, as it was a student free day, so I just bummed around, pretending to work. Had just left a meeting when Daycare phoned to ask me to pick up The Small Boy - he was behaving oddly. Turns out to be an ear infection (of course *sigh*) and the day before a Public Holiday. Off we trotted to the Dr to get some antibiotics.

And then lay on the couch watching Nick Jr for the rest of the afternoon. Quite lovely really :)


Al at 5:01 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Necklace I am coveting, from Tilly Bloom
Books and reading are some of my favourite things.

I could read all day if possible. Pre-TSB, I used to do that. Whole days spent laying indulgently in bed, reading voraciously. Devouring word after word.

These days, I still manage to find time to read. Sometimes this is online, where I'll spend vast and unspecified (because I may incriminate myself) amounts of time perusing blogs and forums, just reading, not often commenting or replying. Not totally sure why, as I am very opinionated in real life, but I think it is because the time I spend typing responses could be better spent reading something new.

But I do find time each day to read the printed word too. Nothing compares to bound pages of magical letters creating words and worlds. The pleasure I derive from holding a book is immense. I don't understand people who say they don't have time to read. I shake my head at them, and furrow my brow, wrinkle my nose whilst thinking that housework can't be more important than reading.

I'll read trash. I'll read literature. I'll read textbooks for fun, and brochures, and street signs. I'll read a story that affects me profoundly, and follow it up with a fashion magazine.

I'm the first to admit I'm a Word Whore. And I'm cool with that.

The most obvious sign of my commitment to words is The Small Boy. He reads. Constantly. Ok, so he can't actually read, but he is often found sitting with a book, doing his own version of reading. Story books, picture books, magazines, novels, he's not fussy either.

Children learn by example, and this is an example I am so proud my son is learning from me.

I remember times spent in other worlds, through the medium of books, growing up and I can only hope for and encourage The Small Boy to experience this also.

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Al at 8:01 PM | 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008

I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mentor, and now a wife.
I like having choices, but hate making decisions.
I like spending time alone.
I crave social contact.
I am one great big contradiction.
I think curvy and voluptous is much sexier than skinny bones.
One day I will travel to New York.
I can't read maps very well.
I am right. Always.
I can never get the change in my wallet promptly.
I live for lazy Sundays with the paper and eggs benedict.
I worry that I give too much unwanted advice, particularly when drunk.
I love painting my toe nails.
I love the rain.
My female friends are such strong and beautiful women.
I have no time for men who are frightened by strong women.
I turn the music up loud and dance around when vaccuuming.
I hate housework, but mopping is ok.
I harbour dreams of becoming a politician.
I am forgetful.
I love burlesque, and dream of performing.
I can always see both sides of an argument.
I believe that most people have no idea what is happening for disengaged and marginalised youth.
I don't often show how much I care.
Before having The Small Boy, I was all for disposable nappies, staying at home, and pain relief during labour. Now I'm all about cloth nappies, extended breastfeeding, home waterbirths, and I feel absolutely no guilt about working.
I appear outgoing and confident, but really I'm just very skilled at acting.
I will defend to the death your right to choose, even if I disagree with your choice.
I would love to wear heels, seamed stockings and pencil skirts every day, but in reality am much more comfortable in my jeans and new red converse.
I have mortal fear of getting sunburnt.
I love winter, and warm and snuggly sundays.
I must have something to look forward to.
I very rarely complete anythi....

Al at 8:55 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gala Darling, she of the pink hair and brilliant tattoos fame, not to mention giver of sage advice, has just been in Paris for the weekend. Being something of a Francophile myself, I was jealous enough (I haven't been back since The Small Boy was born, much to my dismay) but add on top of that, Gala has just moved back to New York - well let's just say I was absolutely forest green with envy, such is the size of my longing for Paris and New York.
New York has long been on my list of travel desires, but as it is a long long long list (including Japan, Croatia, Egypt, The Christmas Markets in Germany, Borneo and Darwin, just to name but 6), it could well be a while before we/I make it.
The Man and I are having our honeymoon from end of January until March next year, and I had held hopes of getting my wish for either Japan or New York.
But factor The Small Boy into things, now that he requires his own seat and bed, and commonsense prevailed. The Small Boy is a seasoned traveller, he loved Vietnam, and he is a pleasure to fly with. But things get expensive when he is involved.
The deciding factor came though when we listed our criteria:
  • must fulfil a travel desire aka The List
  • weather must fit in with our alloted travel period (thus New York was canned, despite my love of cold weather)
  • must be suitable for a potentially pregnant woman (not yet but hopefully by then). No Snowboarding in Japan then.
Then I got all pouty, and said if Japan and New York were off the list, then I didn't want to go back to Europe because we'd waste days on a plane and besides it will be cold. The Man got all grumpy and said was it too much to request a little sunshine on his honeymoon (clearly still jealous about my 10 day Thailand break). I reminded him he doesn't like the sun because he burns easily and so on and so forth, round and round it went.
I even considered if it was bad manners to not take your husband on your honeymoon?
But then - we realised (aka reached a stalemate)! All our options were international - what about travelling a little closer to home...? Darwin and Byron Bay being on The List, along with Another Road Trip (following a memorable one in Ireland in 2004), we decided on our trip.
Fly to Sydney, catch up with friends, spend 3 weeks meandering our way up to Brisbane, stopping in and visiting My Brother and other family on the Gold Coast, and also relaxing in Byron, then flying to Darwin, spend a week plus around there, flying back to Melbourne and spending a week staying with The Man's Brother (one of my favourite people).
So excited! Something to look forward to, and I was all happy and energised.
But then My Besties flew to Africa on the weekend (on The List, but I couldn't afford to go with them so soon after the wedding), and I logged on to see that Gala was in Paris, not to mention Super Kawaii Mama is off on her own little childfree sojourn (including Japan!) that I got Travel Envy. Naughty me.
Off to work out how many days till we're off...


Al at 10:52 AM | 0 comments
Still on the Thailand topic (I've been back long enough I need another holiday!), Dani posted a hilarious youtube clip of Anjelah Johnson on the subject of asian nail bars.

Mrs Kittikorn and I went to the same massage place the whole trip. They were brilliant! We paid a little more (like, gee, a whole dollar) than the going rate around Phuket, but it had only opened that month, and all the women were so friendly and lovely. They also had on staff some women who used to work at the Bangkok Hospital, doing reflexology on patients during their recovery. We were told they moved down to help their cousin open the business, as the government only paid them 5 Baht - yes, that is correct, $0.20 AUD - for each reflexology session. At least their cousin was able to offer more money and a better standard of living.

So when Mrs Kittikorn and I were struck with the dreaded Thai Tummy (the only time I have ever been sick while travelling), we struggled down the street, past all the shopkeepers telling us they loved us and we were sexy girls (this is not flattering as they do it to everyone), to "our" massage place. The ladies took one look at us, and said the Thai equivalent of "STAT!". We were promptly taken to our mattresses, and 2 amazing magical miracle workers set about reflexoligising us into some state of normalcy.

And it worked. The relief was instant. A pressure point on each of stomachs was pushed, and I could hear Mrs Kittikorn's relief on the other side of the room! They proceeded to do lots of other points all over our bodies and we walked out feeling totally well. Tres bizarre! I'm totally converted now.

But despite missing my favourite girls, I'm totally not missing walking the streets with women harassing you with "yooooouuuuu wannnnnn manicooore pedicooore?" every 2.4 seconds!

And so I leave you with this clip - so true to life!

ARGH - I can't embed it on the page, I am such a technobimbo! So here is the link instead:

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Al at 10:33 AM | 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
And no I didn't take a few extra week soaking up the sunshine in Thailand.

We had a brilliant time, Mrs Kittikorn and I, but we both got sick towards the end (too many cocktails, and the occasional accidental drunken nod to ice) not to mention the episode when I drank too much, threw up, and then brushed my teeth, and skolled a glass of resort tap water. Ah dear! Suffice to say, far from gaining weight with all the overindulgence, we came home a few kilos lighter!

But we did lots of laying by the pool, relaxing, sleeping, drinking cocktails and cheap beer, swimming and shopping! Perfect holiday really.

The most interesting part, in terms of social experiment, was the attention from boys. And men. And people in general. It was a time for us to reconnect with ourselves as 'women' and forget about being mothers and wives etc etc. It was really interesting to observe ourselves (yes many cocktails by this point) and then discuss how we felt/dealt with situations. I am an incorrigible flirt, and as I didn't take my wedding rings (with The Man's approval - due to insurance), it was hard for people to reconcile this idea they had of me with the fact that I was married with a child!

I would totally recommend a trip alone/with a likeminded pal to any mother, or woman looking to reconnect with herself. It has truly done me and Mrs Kittikorn the world of good.

And reminded me I still 'have it'! ha ha!


Al at 8:56 PM | 2 comments