Wednesday, July 16, 2008
is my diagnosis. Finally.

Woot. I'm thrilled. Just thrilled I tell you.

I love living with a ticking time bomb.

But as usual, I am using humour to get through it *rolls eyes*, along with my patented '3 positives in a sucky situation' rule.

Have been thinking very very long and hard and the 3 positives I can come up with are:
  • It isn't hereditary so The Small Boy has no worries
  • I won't die from it
  • I will lose loads of weight by following the low-salt diet

Yay. Go me!!!

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Al at 6:58 PM |


At July 17, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
So sorry hun. My friend Danielle in brisbane is going through something similar. Hugs.

At February 1, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
My partners mum has this and had been going through it for almost 30 years before it was finally diagnosed a month ago! Getting told she could label what she had made it a lot better as before she thought she was making it all, and many other people did too.
Does the low salt diet help a lot? Must be very difficult to deal with this while having younger children as well.