I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mentor, and now a wife.
I like having choices, but hate making decisions.
I like spending time alone.
I crave social contact.
I am one great big contradiction.
I think curvy and voluptous is much sexier than skinny bones.
One day I will travel to New York.
I can't read maps very well.
I am right. Always.
I can never get the change in my wallet promptly.
I live for lazy Sundays with the paper and eggs benedict.
I worry that I give too much unwanted advice, particularly when drunk.
I love painting my toe nails.
I love the rain.
My female friends are such strong and beautiful women.
I have no time for men who are frightened by strong women.
I turn the music up loud and dance around when vaccuuming.
I hate housework, but mopping is ok.
I harbour dreams of becoming a politician.
I am forgetful.
I love burlesque, and dream of performing.
I can always see both sides of an argument.
I believe that most people have no idea what is happening for disengaged and marginalised youth.
I don't often show how much I care.
Before having The Small Boy, I was all for disposable nappies, staying at home, and pain relief during labour. Now I'm all about cloth nappies, extended breastfeeding, home waterbirths, and I feel absolutely no guilt about working.
I appear outgoing and confident, but really I'm just very skilled at acting.
I will defend to the death your right to choose, even if I disagree with your choice.
I would love to wear heels, seamed stockings and pencil skirts every day, but in reality am much more comfortable in my jeans and new red converse.
I have mortal fear of getting sunburnt.
I love winter, and warm and snuggly sundays.
I must have something to look forward to.
I very rarely complete anythi....