Wednesday, August 27, 2008
photo courtesy of Shan's Gallery

what I'll be doing in 9 days time!

Back before The Man's accident, Mrs Kittikorn and moi booked a girly getaway to Thailand. She has had some depressing and stressing stuff happen, and we thought this would be a good opportunity to get away.

Mrs Kittikorn is mum to Super G - The Small Boy's bestest, most favouritest friend in the whoooollllleeeee world. Mrs Kittikorn and I hope to marry them off to each other, so that there are nice inlaws on both sides *grin*.

It is almost the 3rd anniversary of Mrs Kittikorn and I meeting at Mothers Group, way back in that newborn befuddled haze of sheer terror and overwhelming sense of responsibility. Mrs Kittikorn is fairly quiet and reserved, whereas no one has ever accused me of that! Once I sensed a connection with her, I chipped away at her reserve and now we are firm friends. I really really enjoy her company, and couldn't think of a better holiday companion (The Man won't let me shop enough, boo hoo).

So we are heading, footloose and childfree, to Phuket to stay in 4.5star luxury for 10 nights, whilst The Small Boy and Super G stay with their fathers. The intinerary includes massages, shopping, massages, cocktails, swimming, massages, shopping, cocktails, massages. You get the picture?!

And My Mum is going to move in for the week to look after The Man and The Small Boy, before you accuse me of leaving my family in their time of need! The Man is thrilled, as he will not ever have to lift a finger with My Mum around, she has these silly oldfashioned ideas about how to treat a man/run a household, which are vastly different to mine *evil grin*.

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Al at 1:35 PM | 1 comments
photo also by Sean Fennessy
to mention The Flowergirl wore her Converse too!
Floorlength white silk dress, also made by The Man's Mum.
The Flowergirl's Mum (Mrs Kittikorn) and I didn't even bother telling anyone until the day that Super G was wearing them, as we knew how that would go down. Picturing something made from lead, like oh I don't know, a balloon...
Anyway, she put them on, everyone gushed, mission accomplished!


Al at 1:11 PM | 0 comments
photo by the supremely talented Sean Fennessy

I love this photo of The Small Boy!

It was taken at our wedding in May, and the legs in the background are some of The Man's oldest friends. They all went to High School together, and have remained friends for all that time! (Ok, The Man isn't that old...).

The Small Boy wore a vest and pants that The Man's Mum made. We purchased a suit the same as The Man and his brother (who was Best Man, and one of my most favourite people), and The Man's Mum created this outfit for The Small Boy. He also has on a tie in the same shade as one of the Bridesmaids. We had 3 Bridesmaids, and 1 Best Man - our bridal party was more about the people, than matching numbers, and the BMs all wore a different colour dress.

Anyway, the only sticky situation about The Small Boy's outfit, was my insistence he wear Converse. He has heaps of pairs, in many colours. I wanted him to be comfortable to run around, and also I loved that he looked a little different, and had an element of funk to his look for the day. None of the family agreed, they wanted little leather boots (which I have a thing about *vomit*), I argued he wasn't going to a building site, and The Man grudgingly agreed.

So The Small Boy wore brand spankin' black Converse. And EVERYONE thought he was awesome. Because he is, of course!

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting it put onto canvas as part of The Man's Fathers Day gift. He likes practical stuff, and we'll all love seeing it on the wall.

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Al at 12:56 PM | 0 comments
photo courtesy of confused vision

resume normal programming!

The Man is home, and making a great recovery. About 6 months until he is 100%, they say.

Obviously, the last few weeks have been incredibly stressful, but the end is in sight, and I'm starting to relax! Starting to feel the blogging juices flow...

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Al at 12:33 PM | 0 comments